GoPro: Combing Valparaiso’s Hills
This was the 1st of two shoots that we filmed down in Chile for the HERO3+ video. The second was skiing/boarding in the Andes. I was lead on the two Chile shoots and had the help of Gabriel Noguez, Kyle Camerer, and Caleb Farro from GoPro. Also part of our team was our producer Todd Barber, our athletes – Brian Lopes, Aaron Chase, and Chris Van Dine, a ramp builder/handyman, and a Valparaiso local. We had 3 days to scout with the Valparaiso local and identify where we wanted to film, and then 3 full days to shoot. It was my job to wrangle the athletes, identify what we needed to film, and get things executed with the team. I gave insight on what locations we should film and what kind of camera setups we needed at each space (heli, zipline, etc). By day 6 we were a solid film-crew machine; however, prior to that it was a little all over the place. Gabriel took lead on the actual edit it and I oversaw the final cut. I came in to offer assistance in fluidity of the riding, linking of sections, and overall feel of the piece. I edited together a few of the segments but it was Gabriel’s overall masterpiece in the end!
For filming I had the help of Caleb Farro on athlete mounting, Kyle Camerer on RC Heli and extra film hands, and Gabriel on filming local flavor and interviews. Most of my duties consisted of onsite direction and athlete mounting.
Gabriel Noguez created preliminary graphics and I stepped in to offer some assistance in editing together the intro segments and adding graphics. They were all pretty basic and created in After Effects.
Color Grading
The color grading was done in Davinci Resolve. Valparaiso is such a vibrant city so my goal was to really pump the colors and take the viewer on a colorful journey through the city.